Monday, November 30, 2015

My Job Explained: Life as an Architect

This morning, I have taken the time to reflect on my past accomplishments and focus my thoughts on my life as an architect. I always wanted to become an architect. Growing up playing with building blocks and miniature houses, I eventually moved on studying the craft by taking architecture in college.

Most people would picture an architect as some sort of an artist working on his draft boards all day to come up with cool building ideas. This image is true in some aspects, but it is really just a small portion of the job.

Image source:

Being in this field necessitates not only knowledge in design and structures but also in business. The role of an architect changes over time. These days, I spend most of time running a business by doing marketing plans, and by attending meetings with clients, engineers, and contractors. I spend the majority of my day on the phone and in front of my computer answering e-mails.

Stressful? Yes.

But the best part of the job is the approval I get from my clients who are ecstatic and satisfied about my design and how I handle the project. They are people who are not only paying me for my time and expertise, but they are people who believe in my ability. And there’s no better validation than that.

Image source:

Learn more about architecture by following me, Jonathan Bunge, on Facebook.