Wednesday, June 15, 2016

World Architecture Festival: Celebrating Design Innovations Around The Globe

As a way to honor the ingenuity of designers around the world, the World Architecture Festival will be held this November at the Arena Berlin in Germany. The festival committee announced 343 projects from 58 countries as finalists. These projects will be divided into 32 different categories. Winners will be chosen by reputable artists, such as Kai-Uwe Bergmann (BIG), Louisa Hutton (Sauerbruch Hutton), David Chipperfield, Ole Scheeren, and David Basulto EIC of ArchDaily. Winners will receive permanent listing on the World Building Directory and gain international recognition. 

Image source: CNN
World Architecture Festival is an annual competition for members of the architecture industry. Contestants vie for awards in 32 different categories, with the World Building of the Year title being the most prestigious. It started in 2008 and is aimed towards celebrating and sharing architectural excellence from across the globe. The very first competition was held in Barcelona where Grafton Architects’ Universita Luigi Bocconi in Italy was declared as the Building of the Year. Bjake Ingels Group from Denmark won the Housing of the Year with their design of the Mountain Dwellings.

Image source: CNN
This award-giving body is a great boost to the architecture industry and a great way to reward young and talented designers and artists of all backgrounds. Art is truly an emotional experience and the field of architecture is seeing more remarkable innovations today which makes the place we live in more sustainable. 

Hello. I’m Jonathan Bunge, currently based in Chicago, Illinois. An architect myself, I dream of being part of this festival someday. For now, we could just talk more about it on Facebook.