Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Guide To Deciding Between Blinds And Curtains

Window treatments are an important consideration for any home owner. A fairly common question many interior designers are asked is which one to get: curtains or blinds. There are two things to factor in before making this decision: 

The first is price and cost efficiency. Curtains come in every style, color, and material but are typically more expensive than traditional blinds. Furthermore, regardless of the material they come in, curtains require more maintenance. Home owners have to be prepared to regularly clean their curtains at least once a week to maintain their pristine condition. If the curtain is made from heavier material, these would need to be washed regularly as well. However, because they are made from fabric, they are less likely to tear or be broken. In the long run, they could be considered the cheaper option. Nevertheless, homeowners have to carefully determine the lengths they are willing to go to maintain their curtains. 

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The next is personal style. There are standards in interior design which the home owner can choose to forgo. For example, ceiling to floor windows are generally recommended to be covered by a curtain – not only for purposes of design but because curtains would be better able to block out light and keep the area better covered. Blinds, on the other hand, are better suited for smaller windows. There is also a quirky and modern feel to blinds which traditionalists may not like. Again, choosing between the two is also based on what the feel the room is meant to have. 

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An interior designer would be able to help the homeowner properly decide which window treatment would serve best for the house and/or specific room. 

With my new job in Chicago, I, Jonathan Bunge, have seen more ways to apply my interior design skills to my architecture career. A lot of my experience is now based on helping home owners make their houses more beautiful with easy tips. To learn more, follow this Twitter account.