Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Low-maintenance houseplants for the home

I know lots of people who are hesitant to get a houseplant because they don't have even the slightest gardening skills to keep it alive. However, having some indoors are a great way to purify the air naturally. It's also a great way to bring life into a dull space. Here are some great choices for houseplants: 

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Rubber tree 

When you've got this plant at home, there's no need to feel guilty about spending your vacation days out of the country. Another succulent with thick leaves, rubber tree also doesn't require much water. It can also be kept in corners, perfect as a space filler for dull areas in the home. 


Aloe is more than just a plant used for beauty products and natural remedies. Though this succulent doesn't need daily watering, it benefits from sunlight. You only need to water this plant every two or three weeks. However, be sure to let the soil dry before taking it back into the house.

Jade plant 

Also known as the money tree or friendship tree, this plant is believed to bring good luck. Whether or not you believe in this, the Jade plant is perfect as a centerpiece on tables or decoration in shelves. Compared to other plants, this one requires lots of time in the sunlight. But just like the others, it doesn't need much water. However, homeowners might need to check on it once in a while to make sure that the soil never gets too dry. 

You don't need to worry about these plants. Just place them in strategic places at home and leave them for a few weeks. Trust me; your place will look so much better. 

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My name is Jonathan Bunge, and I’m an architect who appreciates all kinds of designs. My goal as an architect is to understand the stories and the logic and philosophy behind different designs. Read more about my interests here.