Monday, July 24, 2017

Interesting Pieces Worth Adding to a Cozy Coffeehouse

When I design coffeehouses, I usually ask the owners about the concept they want for their place. Most of my clients say they just want a cozy place where people can hang out. Then I start to ask them about the furniture, décor, and lighting they want for the place and we begin to build a concept. Here are some of the interesting pieces you might see in your local coffeehouse:

Creative lighting
From hanging lamps to vintage ones, owners and designers can experiment with this aspect. I always say that lighting matters. It creates the mood, makes your store look attractive, and if it’s really good—it can make your customers look amazing in their selfies too. If you’re not sticking to one concept, you can play with different designs from old bulbs to lava lamps. Just make sure it does the job of making the place stand out.

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Artworks by local artists
Coffeehouses are great places for people to showcase their talent. Displaying works by local artists from paintings, sculptures, posters, and postcards also helps these people gain an audience. It also helps in strengthening the community you’re in. More people visit coffeehouses than art galleries and it’s a great way to expose your customers to something new.

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Table decorations
Choosing a sturdy table is a must but what goes with it also matters. Instead of the usual tablecloth, go the artsy path and design your tables with postcards, stickers, coffee crafts, and other pieces. You can cover the tables with glass so that the pieces won’t be damaged.

If you’re planning on getting into the coffeehouse biz, you need to define how you want your customers to feel when they’re inside and while they’re sipping your coffee. If you still don’t have an idea about it, perhaps you need to take a look at the things you might want to add to the place and then a concept will reveal itself. It’s worth a try.

Jonathan Bunge at your service. My job as an architect and interior designer proves that I live for design. Follow my posts on Pinterest.

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