Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Three Architectural Wonders Of The Ancient World

The centuries-old constructions around the world represent the architectural brilliance of our ancestors. We look at them and wonder how they were able to accomplish such architectural feat using only the available tools and materials of their time.

The following are three architectural wonders of the ancient world:

Image source : wikimedia.org

1. Colosseum of Rome, Italy

The Colosseum is the most impressive architectural monument of the Roman Empire and also the largest amphitheater in the world. Standing at 159 feet, it was once used for staging fight between gladiators and wild animals. It was built as a four-story building with 80 entrances and had a seating capacity of 50,000 to 80,000.

2. Great Pyramid of Giza, EI Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and also the largest pyramid in the world. It is estimated that around 2.3 million stone blocks were used for its construction.

Image source : history.com

3. Great Wall of China

The Great Wall is the longest man-made structure built on the earth. It was built by Emperor Qin Shi Huang to defend an attack from the ancient Yayun tribe. It was completed by different dynasties. Today, the Great Wall stretches over 50,000 kilometers in length and attracts millions of tourists each year.

Hi there, I’m Jonathan Bunge. I’m an architect and part-time interior designer. I travel the world to seek inspiration for my projects. Visit my blog for more reads like this.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Three ways to make a large home feel cozier

A home should be a place you’ll look forward to being in after a hard day’s work. It should be cozy for both the owners and the visitors. But it’s a challenge for some homes with large spaces to make theirs inviting. Here are three ways to make a large home feel homey: 

Image source: pinimg.com

1. Strategically place tall potted plants If your home has a tall ceiling, fill it with potted trees. As long as your room gets enough light to support the plant’s needs, you really can’t go wrong with adding a massive houseplant. 

2. Paint two-tone walls While tall potted plants are great for drawing the eye up, emphasizing tall ceilings, sometimes we want the opposite effect. Painting color on your walls only part of the way up creates a cozier feeling, tricking the eye into thinking the walls are shorter than they are. 

3. Go for oversized ottomans One of the most challenging aspects of a large living room is making an enormous seating arrangement feel cozy. It can feel a bit empty if there’s too much distance between the coffee table and the sofa. Choosing a big upholstered ottoman will close that gap and add softness at the same time. 

Image source : forbesimg.com

Hi there, Jonathan Bunge here. I’m an architect who loves well-designed structures. I’ve traveled the world to seek inspiration for my projects. Visit myblog for more reads like this.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Smart home devices to invest in

From locks to switches to speakers, there are more gadgets to install than ever before. But are smart home devices really worth installing in your home? The answer is yes, and here are some devices that you can include in your home that will improve not only its security but its appearance as well: 

Image source: quertime.com

1. Nest learning thermostat 

Nest thermostats come in several anodized aluminum finishes and can be wall-mounted or placed on a portable stand. It communicates wirelessly to your boiler and can control radiators and water heating. The machine knows when you’ve left the house and switches to away mode to conserve energy. You can control it via smartphone and the internet. 

2. Nest Cam IQ 

Nest’s IQ is a security cam which is smarter and more advanced than your average CCTV system. Equipped with a high-quality lens and digital sensors, it can alert you and stream footage when someone intrudes your home. Smart programming allows it to zoom in on a person and follow it around the room. 

3. Philips Hue Ambiance starter kit 

The Philips Hue range is tremendous. But you can make do with the three bulbs included with the starter kit which you can control via wireless bridge unit. The bulbs can be set to 16 million different colors. Just pick the shade you like best. 

Image source : stackpathdns.com

Hi there! Jonathan Bunge here. I’m an architect by profession but I’m also a part-time interior designer. Visit my Facebook Page for more updates like this.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Amazing Set Designs Found in Film and TV

Have any of you been following “Game of Thrones”? Or have you seen any of the movies from the “Star Wars” or “Harry Potter” franchises? Are any of you like me, who believe the characters were really in the places where their scenes were set? That’s because their set design was way on point.

Image source: businessinsider.com
So many movies and television shows nowadays have amazing set design. The increased budget doesn’t hurt, but credit should also be given to the imagination of the set designers who have been influenced by legends of architecture and interior design.

Take a look at Rivendell in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy and tell me that isn’t the perfect vacation spot. The same goes for places like Dorne or Highgarden in “Game of Thrones.” Set designers can make any place look cozy or threatening.

One of the most impressive pieces of miniature design can be found in Ridley Scott’s classic, “Blade Runner.” The film was produced in a time way before CGI was introduced, and yet the futuristic, dark, grimy world looked every bit as realistic as that of “The Matrix,” which came out almost 15 years later.

People should learn to pay more respect to set designers. After all, the worlds of our favorite films won’t be complete without them.

Image source: pinterest.com
I’m Jonathan Bunge from Chicago, Illinois. I’m an architect, and I love discussing design. For more design facts and trivia, follow me on Twitter.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Low-maintenance houseplants for the home

I know lots of people who are hesitant to get a houseplant because they don't have even the slightest gardening skills to keep it alive. However, having some indoors are a great way to purify the air naturally. It's also a great way to bring life into a dull space. Here are some great choices for houseplants: 

Image source: Pro.com

Rubber tree 

When you've got this plant at home, there's no need to feel guilty about spending your vacation days out of the country. Another succulent with thick leaves, rubber tree also doesn't require much water. It can also be kept in corners, perfect as a space filler for dull areas in the home. 


Aloe is more than just a plant used for beauty products and natural remedies. Though this succulent doesn't need daily watering, it benefits from sunlight. You only need to water this plant every two or three weeks. However, be sure to let the soil dry before taking it back into the house.

Jade plant 

Also known as the money tree or friendship tree, this plant is believed to bring good luck. Whether or not you believe in this, the Jade plant is perfect as a centerpiece on tables or decoration in shelves. Compared to other plants, this one requires lots of time in the sunlight. But just like the others, it doesn't need much water. However, homeowners might need to check on it once in a while to make sure that the soil never gets too dry. 

You don't need to worry about these plants. Just place them in strategic places at home and leave them for a few weeks. Trust me; your place will look so much better. 

Image source: Today.com

My name is Jonathan Bunge, and I’m an architect who appreciates all kinds of designs. My goal as an architect is to understand the stories and the logic and philosophy behind different designs. Read more about my interests here.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Getting techie: Apps for architects

If you are an architect, you should be making the most use out of technology because it has proven to be useful in increasing productivity and efficiency. Of course, you should have already installed or purchased computer applications to help you with work. But architecture-related smartphone applications are also making waves in the industry because they help both professionals and neophytes work smarter. 

Image source: shutterstock.com

Below are some of the best apps in the Apple Store or Google Play Store: 

AutoCAD 360 Wouldn’t it be nice if you were able to access your AutoCAD DWGs on the go? By installing AutoCAD 360, you can be able to view your drawings, comment on them, or share them with your teammates even if you are not in the office. Purchase the pro version and pay a monthly fee and you will gain a boatload of other features, including comprehensive editing capabilities. 

BIMx eXplorer Hailed the best mobile app in the 2016 A+Awards, this app allows users to access detailed 2- and 3-D documentation whether they are in the office, with clients, or on the construction site. The efficient viewing of building information modeling can be attributed to the app’s trademark mobile-friendly interface. 

RoomScan or MagicPlan These two apps have a similar function: generation of floor plans with accurate measurements by taking pictures of the rooms, walls, and even stairs and the building exterior. 

Image source: architectmagazine.com

Hello, my name is Jonathan Bunge, an architect and interior designer who loves sharing ideas and insights through online channels. Access similar articles here.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Interesting Pieces Worth Adding to a Cozy Coffeehouse

When I design coffeehouses, I usually ask the owners about the concept they want for their place. Most of my clients say they just want a cozy place where people can hang out. Then I start to ask them about the furniture, décor, and lighting they want for the place and we begin to build a concept. Here are some of the interesting pieces you might see in your local coffeehouse:

Creative lighting
From hanging lamps to vintage ones, owners and designers can experiment with this aspect. I always say that lighting matters. It creates the mood, makes your store look attractive, and if it’s really good—it can make your customers look amazing in their selfies too. If you’re not sticking to one concept, you can play with different designs from old bulbs to lava lamps. Just make sure it does the job of making the place stand out.

Image source: Tripadvisor.com
Artworks by local artists
Coffeehouses are great places for people to showcase their talent. Displaying works by local artists from paintings, sculptures, posters, and postcards also helps these people gain an audience. It also helps in strengthening the community you’re in. More people visit coffeehouses than art galleries and it’s a great way to expose your customers to something new.

Image source: yelp.com
Table decorations
Choosing a sturdy table is a must but what goes with it also matters. Instead of the usual tablecloth, go the artsy path and design your tables with postcards, stickers, coffee crafts, and other pieces. You can cover the tables with glass so that the pieces won’t be damaged.

If you’re planning on getting into the coffeehouse biz, you need to define how you want your customers to feel when they’re inside and while they’re sipping your coffee. If you still don’t have an idea about it, perhaps you need to take a look at the things you might want to add to the place and then a concept will reveal itself. It’s worth a try.

Jonathan Bunge at your service. My job as an architect and interior designer proves that I live for design. Follow my posts on Pinterest.